2024 Haunt Tour
Here's our prediction of which Haunted Attractions we'll be visiting this spooky season! Our spooky adventures are subject to change based on weather and other unpredictable circumstances! But no matter what, we'll be out and about doing our favorite thing... enjoying some SPOOKY FUN!
2024 Haunt Tour Predictions:
Field of Screams PA
Kim's Krypt Haunted Mill
Halloween Nights at Eastern State Penitentiary
Hershey Park Dark Nights
Laurel's House of Horror
Valley of Fear
Devil's Last Laugh
Waldorf Estate of Fear
The Haunt PA
Hera's Nightmare
Bedlam in the Boro
Madhaunter's Madhouse
Milltown Haunt
Legends of the Fog
Terror Farm
301 Devil's Playground
We're certain additional haunts will be added, so be sure to check back to see
if we've visited your favorite haunted attraction!