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Jason's Woods 2016 Review

Writer's picture: Chandler ClouserChandler Clouser

Haunted Attraction Reviewed: Jason’s Woods

Location of Attraction: Lancaster PA, 17603

Date of Review: 9/16/2016

Total Number of Attractions Available: 5 w/multiple side attractions

Overall Haunted Attraction Rating (scale of 1-10): 5

Entertainment and Food Rating (scale of 1-10): 5

Makeup and Costume Rating (scale of 1-10): 6

Props Rating (scale of 1-10): 6

Overall Scare Factor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Overall Feedback: Our review of Jason’s Woods took place on their opening night for the 2016 haunt season! Their attraction is definitely set up to take on a large crowd! Besides their five main attractions, Jason’s Woods also offers three small side attractions (Psycho Circus, Escape from Oz, and Black Hole), knockerball, monster truck rides, and a horror film. The three side attractions were an additional $5 for all three, each featured a lot of pop scares and were ultimately worth the admission price. Knockerball was fun and the monster truck ride was insane! Across the board you could definitely tell it was their opening night as there were kinks they were still trying to figure out. Jason’s Woods has a lot of room to grow and the potential to become a top notch haunt. Our biggest complaint of the night would be the performance of the actors; the actors did not interact much with the customers, we often felt rushed, and many of the actors did not have a skit and were often just yelling to “get out”. However, there were a few actors in each attraction that stood out and played their part well! Jason’s Woods would be an appropriate attraction for a family with children wanting to attend a haunted attraction. Haunt enthusiasts who enjoy high startle scares won’t find the attractions at Jason’s Woods overly terrifying. Jason’s Woods may not have been the scariest haunted attraction but we still enjoyed our night. We would really like to see Jason’s Woods up the intensity and ultimately feel this would better the overall experience. Our reviews of each of the individual attractions are listed below. If you have any questions about our review of this attraction, please let us know!

Individual Attraction Review:

Attraction Name: Horrifying Hayride

Overall Attraction Rating (scale of 1-10): 5

Attraction Scare Factor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Actor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Likes: A few unique and detailed scenes, the one scene was very well done and this specific scene is where Jason’s Woods new integrated motion technology was displayed!

Dislikes: Each scene only had one or two live actors and most of the actors that were encountered did very minimal interaction with customers. The hayride does have a lot of potential, especially if more live actors were added.

Attraction Name: Lost in Jason’s Woods

Overall Attraction Rating (scale of 1-10): 5

Attraction Scare Factor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Actor Rating (scale of 1-10): 5

Likes: Freddy Krueger scene was cool! There is tons of potential with this attraction! With more live actors and better/more unique skits the overall experience would be greatly improved! The last actor we encountered on the trail did a great job interacting with the group and put on a good show!!

Dislikes: Multiple actors just screamed and yelled to “leave” or “get out”, we would like to see more skits be acted at a higher level of intensity and interaction.

Attraction Name: Zombie Apocalypse

Overall Attraction Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Attraction Scare Factor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Actor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Likes: Entrance to attraction was very detailed and well put together, it definitely set the mood for a great attraction! Some of the scenes were detailed! A lot of pop scares! Makeup and costumes in this attraction were very well done!!

Dislikes: Again, a lot of actors just yelled “leave” or “get out”, would like to see the actors stick to the theme of the attraction. Actors did very minimal interaction with customers.

Attraction Name: Chamber of Horrors

Overall Attraction Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Attraction Scare Factor Rating (scale of 1-10): 3

Actor Rating (scale of 1-10): 3

Likes: The electrocutioner scene!!

Dislikes: It was very easy to pick out where the actors would be coming from to try and scare the customers. We felt rushed through the haunt and again the actors did not interact with the customers!

Attraction Name: Carnival of Fear

Overall Attraction Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Attraction Scare Factor Rating (scale of 1-10): 3

Actor Rating (scale of 1-10): 4

Likes: The clowns in this attraction definitely tried to interact with the customers! “Bubbles” the clown was awesome! Good potential in this attraction but more live actors are needed.

Dislikes: Besides the few live actors there wasn’t much else to look at. This attraction by far seemed to be the quickest of them all.

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